THREAT: From Perception To Action


22-23 April 23

Join us this April as Systema Singapore instructors Wen Hsin, Ron and Andy bring the distillation of their intensive training with masters of the art into a condensed study of the structure of danger and strategies to eliminate them right at the source.

On the first day, be prepared to study deep work on how to increase your sensitivity to threat and to see the chain of events that lead up to its actualisation.

The second day will be a continuation of awareness building with an emphasis of catching the moments of time which we can address threats as well as developing an approach to acting in such times without increasing the danger for yourself.

There is so much content to cover – this is our first 2 day seminar! Be sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Suitable for everyone

This seminar is targeted at martial artists and security professionals, movement artists and those seeking a tangible means of self-mastery. The seminar is suitable for people of all levels. If you would like to continue exploring the topics, we also recommend joining us for the regular classes.

Seminar etiquette

Our seminars are held in a friendly manner – if you have a question or request, don’t be afraid to ask your training partner or the instructors for help and we will do what we can to help. All we ask is that you help to maintain a respectful environment for the other attendees and a culture of helping each other to learn.

Please dress in comfortable and modest clothing that you do not mind getting ruined – it could happen! We also recommend bringing a change of clothes.

During the seminar days, the break might not be long enough to head out to buy food or drinks. We recommend bringing some drinks and snacks sufficient to keep your energy levels up. Eating extremely large meals is not recommended.


Day 1


10.00am – 17.00pm
(1hr break)


  • Ways to warm up our nervous system
  • Threat detection and the structure of awareness
  • How to expand your sensitivity

Day 2


10.00am – 17.00pm
(1hr break)


  • Understanding movement
  • Finding space for reorganizing threats
  • Acting decisively
Sign up for the seminar here

* Financial aid is available on a 1-1 basis. For more information, please contact us directly at +65 81396737.

Other events

We always have a party to celebrate the seminar. Stay tuned for more information.

Places to stay for international guests

This is a non-comprehensive list of places you might want to consider for the stay here. They have been selected based on location and quality while bringing good value.

Need more information?

For more information on booking, regular classes or about Systema, please contact us @ +65 81396737